Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"You're so near and yet so far away..."

"Love is something people should never mess with because once hurt it will never heal the pain you've experienced."

"I never felt this crushed in a long time, who caused it?"

"Hearts were never meant to be broken, but why people still break them?"

"I have a lot of questions in my mind, but no answers were heard at all."

"You are the melody of my lyrics, and together we make a heartwarming song."

"Why bother coming near me if your gonna stay away sooner or later."

"Are you my knight in shining armor? Or are you just one of those people who just likes to hurt?"

"Why am I thinking of all these things? if I can just keep this burried in my heart."

Something to Cheer you up:"Don't talk with your mouth open"

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

There I Was

There I was, standing behind a column. Watching you from afar as you enjoy your day. With the friends you love so dear, you talk about one true love. You say she had long shiny hair, red cherry lips, and a smile full of hope. I wondered and wondered, who is this one true love of yours is.

There I was, searching for the girl of your dreams. Searching to let her know that she was being loved. My journey continues, but no luck. It was hard to find her. Again and again I wondered, why am I searching for her presence just to congratulate her with a smile.

There I was, so confused inside. Why is there no pain. If there is, why isn't it tearing me to pieces? Wandering thoughts start to pile up and explode. And now I'm back in reality, away from the thoughts which caused me my own pain.

There I was, resting under a shady green tree. Exhausted from the journey that was a complete failure. Suddenly, I see you standing from a distance, staring at my eyes. It could be a dream, for I see you coming closer and closer, your feet stepping on the solid ground, towards me. My heart starts to pound faster and faster that I now know that this wasn't a dream, it was real.

There I was, shocked, silent as a mouse. There you are coming so close to me. Holding my warm hand, touching my black long shiny hair, looking at my deep dark brown eyes, and asked me to show that hopeful smile. Our faces getting so close and closer.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Is it by Black Rose

Did you recall?
How you and I met
Did you recall?
All the times you and I spent

We laughed,
And told the moments we’ve shared
Hearts start to throb
I feel that it is love

What did you feel?
Is it real?
Is it love?
Is it for me?

What will you say?
Is it today?
Is it hard for you?
What will you do?
Will you say ‘I love you‘?

Did you like?
When we were holding hands
Did you hate?
The times when you and I fight

Those are our moments
Our magical fairytale
You’re my prince and I’m your princess
I see true love at bay

What did you feel?
Is it real?
Is it love?
Is it for me?

What will you say?
Is it today?
Is it hard for you?
What will you do?
Will you say ‘I love you‘?

But why did we have to part
Our love was God’s greatest art
The love,
That was the fruit of our hearts

Now it’s time
Time at last
Tell me why
Your heart ’s beating fast

Tell me what
You want to say
I want to know
Speak your mind, heart and soul

Tell me what your heart tells you
Tell me what your mind tells you
Tell me what your soul tells you
Who do you want to spend with,
The rest of your life

Is it me?

Monday, October 6, 2008

My Reply to learn to stand

It's okay, It's alright
You know that you're forgiven
Let go of that guilt,
so you can sleep at night
It's all right

I'm Sorry, I'm sorry
That you felt that way
be free from the guilt that grabbed you
Forget the Promises that hurt you

We know we promised
To make a song about the stars in the sky
Though it is a broken promise you've made
I'll forget it,but it isn't simple

Go ahead, I can stand from here
And wait, for me to walk again
Not needing anyone's help
this is a lesson I must learn

Alone is what i want to be
I just have to survive
this life
thats causing me pain

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Got to Let You Go by Black Rose

You said you liked me
I liked you as it should be
You told me yesterday,
but I guess I have to say

**I got to let you go
My heart keeps telling me no!
My heart was torn apart,
but it was broken from the start

I got to let you go,
but thanks for letting me know
I need to go now(I have to go now)
I need to go now.

You gave me gifts that showed me you cared
I'll give you one if my friends gave me a dare
Your favorite colors in your wrapper,
but something's written on that paper

**I got to let you go
My heart keeps telling me no!
My heart was torn apart,
but it was broken from the start

I got to let you go,
but thanks for letting me know
I need to go now(I have to go now)
I need to go now.

Our memories were sweeter than chocolate
10 over 10 if I was told to rate it,
then time passes to see my regrets
It was bad and bitter than it gets

**I got to let you go
My heart keeps telling me no!
My heart was torn apart,
but it was broken from the start

I got to let you go,
but thanks for letting me know
I have to go now
I should've gone now...

**note: please comment after reading it

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Part of My Heart...

My heart aches like a thousand swords stabbing my painful memories triggering each moment I spent with you. Hearing the screams of my pain, and regret. An infinite possibilities of ones feelings, and a limited ways to overcome it...all. My expressions hidden, people not knowing what I am thinking in the inside of my head I feel these feelings in my heart, and as the weight of my burdens increase; it also adds to the pain I get in my heart.

If I can ask God one question, a question that I wanted to ask for a long time, why were we given feelings? We are happy with some of these feelings He blessed us with, but why do we have these feelings that makes us suffer so much, that we want to surrender just to take this aching feeling away from our hearts. I have thought of that over and over, days, weeks, months, and even years; sadly, I have not answered my own question, nor I couldn’t ask others for their meanings.

As I come nearer to your heart, my eyes see yours flies farther away from my delicate hands. You see me as a smiling girl cheery to be the sunshine of your day, but I have a broken heart inside, the pieces of my heart gone forever. All the words I want to say are confined inside my heart, just waiting to scream to the world. I can't scream, my voice taken away from me. And I gave up.

I don't know if someone else is affected by this, but I can say if this is you, or another person. All I know is that I'm confused, and unaware of the thoughts and feelings around me, and concerning me. This life has not yet achieved an ending, but it is up to me to find my own ending, may it be a happy ending or a tragic ending.

A Harsh Awakening by Persona 3

I sit, gazing out a window into a gloomy night, the rain tapping the window, tapping rhythmically, entrancing slowly drifting away from me as the glare of the clouds entrance me, dancing into a cocoon…listening to my friends as they give my inspiration, opening my heart's gates. As the rain kept pouring down from the heavens, so do my tears flowing from my eyes...Listening closely, the words mesmerizing me, the words freeing me, freeing my soul...I become the unlimited pure voice, a vast and never ending sea of changes, I am the bird, the fish, the rain the cloud, I am free…reminiscing each memory I had in my entire life reminds me of each feeling I enjoyed, suffered, and doubted; however, the people who are part of my life are like a shield that protects me to enjoy each second of her life... Then they were gone, I was alone, alone in the darkness, alone in the heavy darkness, alone once again. The world had robbed me of everything that was mine, everything that was dear to me, everything... My world is turning and twisting, forming a whirlpool of darkness I cry into it, I hold on to my self, whatever remains of me I cry I laugh I cry I laugh…people yelling, suffering, needing help...once a harmonious place and now chaotic world where no one can find the light of hope in their hearts, minds, and souls... People screaming, gunshots fired, I couldn't take it anymore I sink into the ground and scream, I awake with a start, no gunshots just rain, no screaming just the kettle whistling, the pain dispelled... I am changed I am dead I feel none I cry none no enemies no friends I am none…and so it ends our journey, but this is not a goodbye for we meet again in our hopes, dreams, and futures

Search of Inspiration

A piece that speaks to others, touches our hearts, and enters our minds and souls forever is what I find a masterpiece, for the role of a writer is to enrich us with their feelings, shout out their thoughts, and tell us what they think, for them, is right or wrong. As I talked to my friend about our love for music, and our friend Dustin; He recommended me to look at a website. I copy-pasted the link ,and pressed enter on my keyboard, and as soon as the browser had finished loading the site's contents, when my eyes first laid on it I saw their compositions full of wonders and surprises.

Words cannot express what I feel about their compositions. A mixture of every feeling giving a smile known to man. The pieces of their hearts carefully put in each word they write in their little notebooks. Each sentence having their own meaning. The way that pictures connecting to the paragraphs was very impressive. And I saw a red heart-shaped leaf with a very beautiful caption, and a sunset as well. I was captivated with it’s beauty and meaning, and their shot was focused on one topic: “The Beauty of our Mother Earth”.

Water from my eyes started flowing, and a warm feeling suddenly enveloped my heart. It made me imagine the clear blue sea suddenly drowning me, but I wasn’t dying. I was breathing my eyes opened on their own. And I saw different varieties of fishes living on colorful coral reefs; It was really peaceful in that world, and I was so happy to see it and everything in a balance. I saw their ways of survival, and interrelationships with another organism. Suddenly darkness appeared, and the world falling, crumbling in front of my eyes. Then I awakened. The dream was gone, I was in my room, lying on my bed with the television turned on.

Face the facts ,and stay strong. One day, we will know the answers to our questions; and our curiosity satisfied. In all of the things that I felt in my dream, happy, sad, and also painful feelings, will I surrender my life so that the peaceful world will comeback again? Maybe or maybe not. My heart craves for inspiration, like how a thirsty person desires for cold water that tastes so sweet. On this very instant I am lacking of what I desire, and I want it to come to me. Welcoming my thoughts, memories, and people who I love and adore. Everything taking it’s course, and wanting it the way it’s supposed to be.

Inspiration can be encountered by friendships, feelings, but the most frequently used their special someone in their life. My heart pounding like a thousand marching soldiers stomping with a loud bang on the rock-hard earth. Well, what I say is this my heart needs inspiration, and a heart loved and cared by the people, whom I treasure, in my life.